Die Armee von Wladimir Putin braucht dringend Nachwuchs. Die Folge: Polizisten holen junge Männer in Moskau mittlerweile aus U-Bahnen, Autos und Wohnungen, um sie einzuziehen.
This text describes the forced conscription of young men in Russia, highlighting the extreme measures authorities are taking to enforce military duty. The main conceptual idea is the desperation and fear young Russians are experiencing due to the government's crackdown on draft evaders. The story emphasizes the unlawful and forceful nature of the conscription by detailing cases where police are stopping and arresting young men in public places, disrupting their lives, and resorting to seeking them out in their homes. The article portrays the situation as a serious infringement on individual freedom and human rights. The name "Bogdan" represents the many young men who are fighting against this oppressive system and highlighting the personal cost of Russia's war.